Ag obair dha eilean ar gaoil

Working for the island we love

About SkyeConnect

Representing tourism businesses, supporting local livelihoods and promoting a robust sustainable tourism industry on Skye.

A message from SkyeConnect's Chair

I firmly believe that we can achieve more if we work together as businesses and individuals – whatever our sector – to realise the aims of Skye being a great place to live, work and visit. We look forward to inviting businesses from across Skye to our island SkyeConnect community. 

Gary Curley

SkyeConnect Chair Person

Though primarily with a focus on tourism we are keen that all businesses on the island and surrounding area have a collective voice. By pulling together we can represent, support and protect livelihoods and businesses on Skye.

We offer a platform that can help our members maximise and fulfil their potential. We are able to lobby government and policy makers on our members’ behalf to improve their business environment and protect local livelihoods. Members can take advantage of training sourced and provided by Skye Connect. Joining Skye Connect can also give experience providers, shops, activities and hotel businesses a competitive advantage with guaranteed placement on In August 2020, alone myskyetime received over 3000 visits. The site links to your website for direct commission free bookings.

Following COVID19 our team has organised sub sector working groups that bring business owners together to share best practices and raise concerns. Issues have then been taken to industry bodies, decision makers, councils and government. We also use these group to highlight member concerns to the press, increasing pressure and helping to influence change.

By working together, we can make sure our collective voices are heard by the key decision makers locally and nationally that count, both in business and politics. Our aim is to represent all businesses and sectors – no matter what the size – on key areas that matter to them.

“We offer a platform that can help our members maximise and fulfil their potential.”

Tourism is a key sector in the economy of Skye and the surrounding area and we work to promote our islands as a destination of choice. We maintain close links with Visit Scotland, the Scottish Tourism Alliance and our members have access to their briefings and expertise.

We host a number of events and conferences throughout the year bringing networking opportunities for businesses, and expertise from a wide range of speakers.

We also host and organise workshops and training courses on subjects that are not only pertinent to tourist businesses but the wider business community as well.

At SkyeConnect we want to promote a continually developing, vibrant and sustainable economy that protects the landscapes and livelihoods on Skye, where young people want and can afford to live. We believe we can do this by working together, supporting businesses and helping them sustainably thrive.

The team and I look forward to welcoming you into our membership and community. 

Thank you,

Gary Curley – SkyeConnect Chair

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